Moon Observatory Melanie v1.9.0

Moon Observatory Melanie v1.9.0 - Featured Image
Game Genres: Visual Novel
Themes: Romance
Languages: ENG

Moon Observatory Melanie is an immersive and suspenseful video game that captivates players with its intriguing storyline and engaging characters. The game revolves around the young and courageous protagonist, Melanie, who finds herself tasked with saving the world. This daunting responsibility is bestowed upon her by the enigmatic Magician Ven, who seems to hold more secrets than he reveals.

With every step, players control Melanie as she fearlessly plunges into terrifying encounters and mind-bending puzzles. The game’s dynamic gameplay mechanics offer a seamless blend of action, exploration, and problem-solving, ensuring that players are constantly engaged.

As Melanie and Shisui delve deeper into the mysteries that surround them, players experience the tension and emotional turmoil that drives the characters to uncover the truth at all costs. The game’s rich narrative, coupled with its stunning visuals and immersive gameplay, make Moon Observatory Melanie an unforgettable gaming experience.


Repack Features

  • You may skip downloading and installing of the videofile, not used in-game
  • Make sure you have Visual Studio Redist 2019 Package installed before installing this repack
  • Language can be changed in game settings
  • The game MUST be run as admin
  • Selective Download feature: you may skip downloading and installing of 4K videos (1080p ones are included by default), optional videos (tutorials+ credits) and bonus content (OST + ArtBook)
  • Goldberg crack/emu applied over instead of a faulty TENOKE crack (crashes on Windows 7)
  • Installation takes 2-3 minutes
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
  • Due to using Windows 10/11 exclusive DirectStorage/GDeflate technologies installing this repack on older OSes is not supported
  • Copy contents of “_Windows 7 Fix” folder to the game root to play on Windows 7

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